Patrick Toche
. Annual growth rates during the growth 'takeoff' were modest. 2
. The demographic and economic components of growth were similar. 1
. Industrial products: productivity growth has been more rapid in this sector and relative prices have fallen.2
. Food & Beverages: continuous increases in productivity have allowed a greater population to be fed by fewer workers. However, productivity growth has been less rapid in the agricultural sector than in the industrial sector. Food prices have increased at roughly the same rate as the price index. 3
. Services: productivity growth has generally been low, employment share rising steadily, so that the price of services has increased more rapidly than the average of all prices.1
. services in health and education account for more than 20% of total employment.2
. retail (hotels, restaurants, leisure activities) account for 20%. 3
. services to firms (consulting, accounting, data), real estate and financial services (real estate agencies, banks, insurance, etc.), transportation, account for 20%. 4
. government and security services (administration, courts, police, armed forces) account for 10%.